KORAPUT District Recruitment 2020. Applications are invited for Livestock Assistants of the following Mobile Veterinary Units (MVU) of Koraput District. There are 12 vacancies in it. Notification issued on 08.08.2020. Candidates can download the notification and check the eligibility details. Last date for submission of application on or before 14.08.2020. PM till 5 PM This job notification is valid from 08.08.2020 to 14.08.2020. The notification download link is given below.
Vacancies of MVU Blocks.
L. For Livestock Assistant: 12 blocks i.e,(Jeypore, Borigumma, Kundra, Dasman pu r,Laxm i pur, Koraput,Sem liguda, Pottangi, Nandap ur, Lamtaput, Bandhugam, Narayanapatna
Educational Qualification for KORAPUT District Recruitment 2020:
Candidates can download the notification and get educational qualification from our website.
Age limit for KORAPUT District Recruitment 2020:
The age of the candidates is not less than 65 years.
Salary for KORAPUT District Recruitment:
The offer of salary for the above post is Rs 10,000 / -. is.
Terms and conditions:
- Local personnel will be given preference.
- He needs to be physically healthy to work in the field.
- The ORV Act will not be followed.
- The interview will be done when the district has a large number of candidates against the proposed MVU.
How to apply for KORAPUT District Recruitment:
Candidates can fill the application form and fill in all cases, including name, age, qualification, photocopy of related certificates, experience, permanent and correspondence address, mobile or telephone number and a recent colored passport size photograph, which is undersigned. Must reach office on or before 14.08.2020. PM till 5 PM
[epcl_button label=”Click Here For Official Website ” url=”https://koraput.nic.in/notice_category/recruitment/” type=”outline” color=”red” size=”fluid” icon=”” target=”_blank” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]
[epcl_button label=”Click Here To Read Official Notification ” url=”https://cdn.s3waas.gov.in/s335051070e572e47d2c26c241ab88307f/uploads/2020/08/2020080532.pdf” type=”gradient” color=”green” size=”regular” icon=”” target=”_self” rel=”dofollow”][/epcl_button]