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ICAR-CTCRI, Bhubaneswar Requirement 2020 Check Details Here

Candidates are requested to attend an interview (in person)on 21.09.2020 at 10 AM at the Training Hall of Regional Centre, ICAR-CTCRI, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,751019for the post of Young Professional –II (One post) purely on a contractual basis to work under (AICRP on Tuber Crops). The eligible candidates are requested to attend the interview along with the Xerox copy of the originals on the day of the interview. Original documents of the candidates appearing interview in-person will be verified on the date of the interview.

S.N. Name of post No. of post Emoluments Essential qualification Duration of the project
1 Young Professional-II One (1) Rs. 25000/- PM (consolidated) Essential qualifications: Post Graduate Degree in Plant breeding/Horticulture/ Biochemistry/Botany/Life Sciences from any recognized institution desirable: Work experience in any research projects regarding plant phenology/ /Biochemical/Molecular research (>1 Yr experience) with computer application knowledge will be preferred. Up to 31st March, 2021 or till completion of the project whichever is earlier

Terms and condition:

  1. The selected candidate will be stationed at Regional Centre, ICAR-CTCRI, Bhubaneswar-751019, Odisha, but have to attend trials conducted at various locations in Odisha and other places as and when required.
  2. The posts are purely temporary and will be filled on a contractual basis till the termination of the project.
  3. The maximum age for both the post is 45 years (age relaxation of five years for SC/ST and women and three years for OBC). The minimum age should be 21 years as on date of the interview.
  4. The candidate will not have any right for absorption in this institute.
  5. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview in person.
  6. Only the candidates meeting essential qualification would be interviewed.
  7. Concealing of facts of canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of such candidates.
  8. The selected candidate may have to join immediately.
  9. Candidate working as where must bring NOC from their present Employer.

Important Links 

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Official Notification 

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